Teaching the Lab of Analysis of Algorithms has helped me a lot to improve C code skills that were already a little bit rusts. I liked to use ctypes inside to Python to avoid the slow performance . Nevertheless, I had my mistakes as in my first attempt on Naive Merge Sort in Place \(O(n^2)\) Time. However, such mistake allowed me to look at merge sort in place in \(O(n\log n)\) Time and \(O(n)\) in Space. Now, I am trying to do the following for the code section of the lab:

  1. Finish the Priority Queue code to be used in a scheduler simulator using phtreads.
  2. Implement Quicksort under the optimization by Sedgwick (Donald Knuth’s PhD).
    • I want to do a parallel implementation.
  3. Finish the second Merge Sort in place with improvements.
  4. etc

Basically, I am having fun with this!!!